`Pemphigus Antibody IgA 14-3-3 Protein Tau/Theta with Reflex to RT-QuIC Analysis, CSF 1p/19q Deletion by FISH P1 Antigen Typing – Patient p16 by Immunohistochemistry p21 (Waf1/Cip 1) by Immunohistochemistry P40 by Immunohistochemistry P504S (AMACR) by Immunohistochemistry p53 with Interpretation by Immunohistochemistry Pancreatobiliary FISH P57 by Immunohistochemistry Parainfluenza 1-4 by RT-PCR p63 by Immunohistochemistry Paraldehyde and Metabolite, Serum or Plasma Pain Management Drug Panel by High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Enzyme Immunoassay, Urine Paraneoplastic Antibodies (PCCA/ANNA) by IFA with Reflex to Titer and Immunoblot Pain Management Drug Screen with Interpretation by High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry and Enzyme Immunoassay, Urine Paraneoplastic Antibodies (PCCA/ANNA) by IFA with Reflex to Titer and Immunoblot, CSF Pain Management Panel, Screen with Reflex to Quantitation Paraneoplastic Pemphigus Antibody Screen