COVID-19 Testing Options and Patient Information
What is COVID-19?
Coronavirus disease, commonly known as COVID-19, is an infectious disease that is caused by a recently discovered coronavirus.
Most people infected with COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and may recover without requiring any special treatment. However, the elderly and those with underlying medical problems (such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer) are more likely to develop a serious illness.
The best way to prevent and slow the transmission of the COVID-19 virus is to be well informed about it, the disease it causes and how it can spread. You can protect yourself and others from infection simply by i) washing your hands often with soap or an alcohol-based solution frequently, ii) not touching your face, and iii) maintaining distance from others.
At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19.
How Does COVID-19 Spread?
The COVID-19 virus spreads mainly through droplets of saliva (or discharge from the nose) when a person infected with the virus sneezes or coughs – that is why it is extremely important that also practice respiratory etiquette by coughing into your elbow, this will reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
What Are The Symptoms of COVID-19?
COVID-19 affects people differently depending on the individual. On average it takes 5–6 days from when someone is infected with the virus for symptoms to show, however it can take up to 14 days.
Most Common Symptoms:
• fever
• dry cough
• tiredness
Less Common Symptoms:
• aches and pains
• sore throat
• diarrhea
• conjunctivitis
• headache
• loss of taste or smell
• a rash on skin, or discoloration of fingers or toes
Most infected people will develop mild to moderate illness and usually recover without the need to be hospitalized. People with mild symptoms who are otherwise healthy (with no underlying conditions) should help to contain the virus by managing their symptoms at home.
Serious Symptoms:
• difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
• chest pain or pressure
• loss of speech or movement
If you have serious symptoms, seek immediate medical attention. Always call before visiting your doctor or health facility.
Testing for COVID-19 Infection
COVID-19 PCR testing, also known as the “swab test” is done through a hospital or healthcare provider (or through an at-home kit). The PCR test is for individuals who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms or meet the testing criteria indicated by the CDC. This test provides very accurate indications of whether a patient is currently infected with COVID-19.
Testing for COVID-19 Antibodies
Serology testing, also referred to as coronavirus antibody testing, is a blood test that checks the blood of a patient for the different types of antibodies that develop after exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus which causes COVID-19. Antibody testing is for individuals who think they may have had COVID-19 in the past but do not currently exhibit any symptoms.
*Note: Antibody testing should NOT be the only testing done to diagnose or exclude COVID-19 infection.
How Does The IgG/IgM Rapid Test Work?
The patient will need to provide a small sample of blood, usually collected through a blood draw (typically a finger prick). The test is conducted by placing the blood sample in the center well of the cassette, and then adding two drops of the buffer to the buffer well. Results should appear within 10 minutes and are invalid after 15 minutes.
The test works by detecting levels of IgG and/or IgM antibodies in the blood. If either appears then it is likely that the patient has been infected in the past. Following the incubation period, IgM may appear in blood within 3-5 days. IgG will appear as soon as 1-2 weeks.
What is IgG and IgM?
Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and Immunoglobulin G (IgG) are antibodies that are produced by the body during the primary immune response. As the body’s largest antibody, IgM is the first antibody that will appear in response to an initial exposure to antigens. IgM is the first line of defence when a viral infection occurs, followed by the generation of adaptive, high affinity Immunoglobulin G (IgG) responses that provide the body with long-term immunity and immunological memory. IgM usually appears in the blood after 3-5 days of the incubation period. IgG is usually detectable about 7 days after the IgM appears.
How Quickly Can I Get The Test Results?
With the IgG/IgM COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit, results should appear within 10 minutes (and are invalid after 15 minutes).
How Can I Order COVID-19 IgG/IgM Antibody Rapid Test Kits?
To order test kits, get pricing, find answers and other information, please complete our form, provide your details, and we will be in touch with you shortly. To get started CLICK HERE.