M Antigen Typing – Patient Macroamylase Determination Mammaglobin by Immunohistochemistry Maternal Serum Screen, Alpha Fetoprotein, hCG, Estriol, and Inhibin A Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone, Beta (b-MSH) Mercury, Whole Blood Manganese, RBC Maternal Serum Screen, First Trimester Melanocyte Stimulation Hormone, Alpha (a-MSH) MET Gene Amplification by FISH Manganese, Serum Maternal Serum Screening, Integrated, Specimen #1 Melanocyte Stimulation Hormone, Gamma (g-MSH) Manganese, Urine Maternal Serum Screening, Integrated, Specimen #2 Melanoma Antibody, HMB45 by Immunohistochemistry Manganese, Whole Blood MDM2 by Immunohistochemistry Melanoma Hereditary Cancer Panel, Sequencing and Deletion/Duplication, 6 Genes Mannose Binding Lectin