We perform medical diagnostic tests and efficiently provide accurate results that help your physician screen for, diagnose, and manage the treatment of health problems.


17-Hydroxyprogesterone, Urine

CPT Code(s): 83498
Specimen Required: Patient Preparation:Patient should not be on any corticosteroid, ACTH, estrogen, or gonadotropin medications, if possible, for at least 48 hours prior to collection of specimen.
Collect:24-hour urine. No special preservatives required.
Specimen Preparation:Mix specimen well. Refrigerate during collection. Transfer 5 mL aliquot of urine to RDL Standard Transport Tubes. (Min: 1 mL) Submit total volume.
Storage/Transport Temperature:Frozen. On dry ice is preferred. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.
Stability:Ambient: 1 hour; Refrigerated: 4 days; Frozen: 6 months
New York DOH Approval Status: Specimens from New York clients will be sent out to a New York DOH approved laboratory, if possible.