We perform medical diagnostic tests and efficiently provide accurate results that help your physician screen for, diagnose, and manage the treatment of health problems.


Epi proColon

CPT Code(s): 81401
Specimen Required: Patient Preparation:
Collect:Lavender (K2EDTA). Collect a minimum of 10 mL whole blood. Blood collection tubes should be allowed to complete the evacuated fill.
Specimen Preparation:Plasma preparation should be performed ASAP or within 4 hours of collection. Centrifuge for 12 min at 1350 ± 150 rcf. Transfer the plasma to a 15 mL conical tube and centrifuge for an additional 12 minutes at 1350 ± 150 rcf. Ensure a minimum of 3.5 mL of plasma is obtained following centrifugation. Transfer entire plasma aliquot to a cryovial tube or any freezable specimen transport tube. (Min: 3.5 mL)
Storage/Transport Temperature:Frozen. Also acceptable: Refrigerated.
Stability:Ambient: Unacceptable; Refrigerated: 72 hours; Frozen: 2 weeks
New York DOH Approval Status: This test is New York DOH approved.
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  • Septin 9
  • Septin 9 methylation