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Renin Activity

CPT Code(s): 84244
Specimen Required: Patient Preparation:Supine: 1. Specimen should be obtained between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. (after at least two hours in supine position); 2. Normal sodium diet (100-200 mEq/day) for at least three days; 3. Take no medications known to affect renin-aldosterone system.   Upright: 1. Specimen should be obtained before noon (after at least two hours in upright position; seated or standing); 2. Normal sodium diet (100-200 mEq/day) for at least three days; 3. Take no medications known to affect renin-aldosterone system. Contact Medical Director if more information is needed.
Collect:From either a supine or upright patient, Lavender (EDTA) or pink (K2EDTA). Do not collect in refrigerated tubes.
Specimen Preparation:Separate plasma from cells.Transfer 2 mL plasma to an RDL Standard Transport Tube and freeze immediately.(Min: 1.2 mL)
Storage/Transport Temperature:CRITICAL FROZEN. Separate specimens must be submitted when multiple tests are ordered.
Stability:After separation from cells: Ambient: 6 hours; Refrigerated: Unacceptable; Frozen: 1 month
New York DOH Approval Status: This test is New York DOH approved.
  • Plasma Renin ActivityPRARenin Activity, Plasma