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Rheumatoid Arthritis Panel with Reflex to Rheumatoid Factors, IgA, IgG, and IgM by ELISA

CPT Code(s): 86200; 86431; if reflexed, add 83516 x2 and 86431
Specimen Required: Patient Preparation:Fasting specimen preferred.
Collect:Serum separator tube (SST).
Specimen Preparation:Allow serum to clot completely at room temperature before centrifuging. Transfer 1 mL serum to an RDL Standard Transport Tube. (Min: 0.8 mL) Serum is the only acceptable specimen type for this test without a disclaimer.
Storage/Transport Temperature:Refrigerated.
Stability:After separation from cells: Ambient: 24 hours; Refrigerated: 1 week; Frozen: 2 weeks (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)
New York DOH Approval Status: This test is New York DOH approved.
  • CCP and RF IgA IgG IgMCCP, RF, RF isotypesRARA panel reflex RFRF