We perform medical diagnostic tests and efficiently provide accurate results that help your physician screen for, diagnose, and manage the treatment of health problems.


Sexually Transmitted Disease Panel 1 by Transcription-Mediated Amplification

CPT Code(s): 87491; 87591; 87661
Specimen Required: Patient Preparation:
Collect:Vaginal, endocervical or male urethral swab in APTIMA Unisex Swab Specimen Collection kit (RDL supply #28907). Available online through eSupply using RDL Connect ™ or contact Client Services at (888) 431-7474.OR First catch urine.OR Cervical brush in ThinPrep Pap test collection kit. Refer to "Sample Collection for the Diagnosis of STD" under Specimen Handling at for specific specimen collection and transport instructions.
Specimen Preparation:Swab: place blue swab in Swab Specimen Transport Tube, break shaft off at scoreline then recap tube.First Catch Urine: Transfer 2 mL urine to APTIMA Urine Specimen Transport Tube (RDL supply #28908). Available online through eSupply using RDL Connect ™ or contact Client Services at (888) 431-7474. Liquid level must be between fill lines on tube.ThinPrep: Vortex ThinPrep PreservCyt solution and transfer 1 mL to an APTIMA Specimen Transfer Tube (RDL supply #42711). Available online through eSupply using RDL Connect ™ or contact Client Services at (888) 431-7474.
Storage/Transport Temperature:Refrigerated.
Stability:Swab in APTIMA Swab Specimen Transport Tube: Ambient: 2 months; Refrigerated: 2 months; Frozen: 1 year Urine in APTIMA Urine Specimen Transport Tube: Ambient: 1 month; Refrigerated: 1 month; Frozen: 1 year APTIMA Specimen Transfer Tube: Ambient: 2 weeks; Refrigerated: 1 month; Frozen: 1 year ThinPrep Media: Ambient: 1 month; Refrigerated: 1 month; Frozen: Unacceptable
New York DOH Approval Status: This test is New York DOH approved.
  • CT,GC, TV TMA paneSTD panelSTI panel